Did you know that the ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface? Or that the ocean plays an important role in mitigating climate change, absorbing over 90% of the excess heat and carbon dioxide we generate? With the health of ocean and the health of our planet inextricably linked, it’s no wonder that we, as a brand, are so passionate about Earth Day. This year, we’re observing this important day by attending the second Earth Day Live digital event. Read on to learn more about Earth Day 2021 and what we’re doing to protect our ocean and planet.
Earth Day 2021
If you’re not up to speed, this year’s Earth Day theme is Restore Our Earth, focusing on the natural processes and emerging technologies that can help us restore the health of our planet. With so much of the health of our Earth depending on what we do to reverse the effects of climate change, it’s important that we take action right away.
How We’re Protecting and Restoring Our Earth
As a brand, we’re constantly working to protect our planet through a number of sustainability initiatives. We work with our suppliers to ensure that our seafood is caught using responsible fishing methods that protect fish populations and prevent bycatch of vulnerable species, like turtles and dolphins. We make each catch traceable from ocean to table, so you can rest assured that it was caught responsibly and sustainably.
We also have several initiatives to restore our planet, too. For instance, we are working toward plastic neutrality by partnering with Cleanhub to recover and remove an equivalent amount of plastic from the environment as we use in our operations. We also partner with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative to take action against lost and abandoned fishing gear, or ghost gear, in the world’s oceans.
What You Can Do
Beginning on April 20th, earthday.org will organize three climate action summits ahead of the global leaders’ climate summit. On April 22nd, in parallel with the global leaders’ climate summit, the second Earth Day Live digital event will take place starting at noon Eastern Time. Topics for these events will include climate and environmental literacy, reforestation, climate restoration, and much more.
Join us in learning about the important environmental issues, bookmark earthday.org and sign up for email updates about Earth Day 2021. Then, take action to help Restore Our Earth!