We’re Making World Food Day Our Day, Today and Every Day

Every year on October 16thWorld Food Day is celebrated around the globe to commemorate the founding of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FOA). As one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar, World Food Day raises awareness for those affected by poverty and hunger.  


What Is World Food Day? 

World Food Day is a day that promotes collective action across 150 countries. Events and outreach activities unite governments, businesses, NGOs, media outlets, academia, and the public to promote awareness for the need to eliminate hunger.  

The day is important for many reasons. For starters, agri-food systems employ more people than any other economic sector. This means that more people around the world rely on these systems for their livelihoods than any other sector. Moreover, the way we produce and consume food is putting immense pressure on our planet, and we can see the effects in climate change, habitat destruction, the loss of natural resources, and species extinction. Despite the pressure that these systems put on our planet in the name of food production, three billion people around the world can’t afford healthy diets. This inequality has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has made it even harder for farmers to sell their harvests and increased poverty for many around the world, forcing them to rely on food banks and other food relief. World Food Day shines the light on all these issues.   


We’re Making World Food Day Our Day, Every Day 

The UN encourages you to make World Food Day your day by joining in the action to end hunger and work towards more a more efficient, secure food system. Answering the call, we’re making World Food Day our day, every day. As a brand, we’ve always seen preserving the health of our planet as a top priority. By ensuring that our products are caught and produced in a sustainable manner, we’re committed to reducing the negative impacts of food production on our environment. This also works to make the process of producing food more efficient, making more healthy food available to everyone. 

We’re also working to reduce hunger more directly, by partnering with organizations fighting hunger right here in Canada. We partner with Food Banks CanadaBackpack BuddiesI Can for KidsRichmond School DistrictCoquitlam School DistrictLotus Light Charity Society, United Way and Grocery Foundation to provide nourishment to the most vulnerable members of our communities. Grateful for these partners and the important work they do, we’ll continue to lean into our commitment to fight hunger by working with them on World Food Day and every day. We hope you’ll make World Food Day our day by joining us in the fight against hunger—educate yourself, join an event, or create your own action against hunger.  


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