Today is World Tuna Day and it goes without saying that we’re excited to celebrate the incredible health benefits and versatility of the fish that started it all for Ocean’s! Find out why we think tuna is the ultimate feel good fuel and what we’re doing to protect tuna populations to ensure a healthy ocean for future generations.
The Ultimate Feel Good Fuel
Why do we consider tuna the ultimate feel good fuel? Well, for starters it’s delicious! Whether you enjoy it on its own or incorporate it into a recipe, tuna tastes great. More than that, it’s rich in lean protein while being low in saturated fat and free of trans fat. In short, it’s the perfect way to incorporate healthy protein into your diet.
For many of us, tuna is also a comfort food. Having grown up on classic tuna sandwiches and casseroles, it has the power to transport you back to your childhood when times were simpler.
A Versatile Ingredient
Tuna is also exceptionally versatile! With its mild flavour and firm texture, it’s perfect for a wide variety of snacks and dishes. It can be added to salads, turned into the perfect lunchtime sandwich, and incorporated into casseroles and pasta. Whether you prefer plain, flavoured, or in oil, you’ll be surprised at the number of tasty ways to enjoy tuna. For inspiration, check out our Ocean’s recipes.
Ensuring Livelihoods & Maintaining the Delicate Balance of the Ocean
In addition to being uniquely delicious and very nutritious, tuna has other benefits. For starters, it ensures the livelihoods of coastal fishing communities and countless others in the fishing industry. From workers in preparation and canning facilities to head office employees for brands like ours, tuna keeps people employed.
An important part of the ocean ecosystem, tuna is also an apex predator that helps maintain the delicate balance of the ocean.
Keeping Tuna Populations Healthy
For these reasons and so many more, we’re grateful for tuna today and every day. As a brand, we feel it’s important to show our gratitude by protecting tuna populations and their habitats. We’re committed to sourcing tuna sustainably, ensuring healthy populations that will continue to thrive. We also work with partners to help remove abandoned fishing gear, called ghost gear, and plastic from the ocean.
Celebrate Tuna Day with us today by learning more about our initiatives to protect tuna stocks and the ocean environment on our sustainability page.