Whether you’re camping, hiking, or kayaking, nothing builds up an appetite like partaking in physical activities in the hot sun. We’ve all experienced eating a less than optimal snack while on-the-go and then feeling hungry again before we know it. One of the best ways to combat this challenge is to include a good serving of protein in your snacks. Protein-rich foods are digested slower than foods high in carbohydrates, helping you hang on to that satisfied feeling far longer. Not only that, but protein is also a building block for every cell in your body. It’s good for the immune system, blood, cartilage, and boosts your metabolism as well! With that in mind, consider bringing along these super snacks next time you are out and about.
Tasty Tuna for Your Trek
Forgot to grab that key ingredient for your favourite salad and running out of time? No problem! Try Ocean’s line of handy-dandy SnacKits. These tasty treats will give you a protein-packed energy boost and they even supply the crackers all in one convenient box! A perfect duo for your day. Have dietary restrictions? Ocean’s has got you covered with both dairy-free and gluten-free options.
Pomme de Power
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But can it also give you the energy to play all day? You bet it can! This Triple Layered Apple recipe breathes life into an otherwise boring snack. All you need is an apple, nut butter of your choice, pumpkin seeds, and any dried fruit (optional according to your taste). Simply turn the apple on its side and cut into four thick rounds. Spread a little nut-butter love on one side of each piece, sprinkling the other ingredients generously. Reassemble and presto! You’ve got a fiber and protein packed meal-on-the-go.
Don’t Jerk Around Your Hunger
It’s safe to say that you shouldn’t be a jerk, but when you’re hitting the hills, some beef jerky is a satisfying savory snack. Many store brands are really high in sodium, so we recommend making your own. Jerky has an excellent amount of protein for relatively few calories. It also packs well with its ultra low water content, so it won’t add any unnecessary weight to your bag. For the vegetarians out there, consider fruit leather as an alternative. What fruit leather lacks in protein it makes up for in fiber! Just be sure to pick brands that list fruit as the first ingredient or, better yet, try this delicious fruit leather recipe.
Titillating Tapenade
Messy prep and leaking containers not your idea of a good time in order to eat healthy? Well, Ocean’s Tuna Pouches are for you! Try the Tuna Tapenade. It is excellent with crackers or crusty French baguette. Tapenade not your jam? Ocean’s Pouches still has you covered with Peri Peri and Ginger Lemon Sesame flavours. The accompaniments for these exotic options is limited only by your imagination! Crackers, bread, rice, salad…everything except the kitchen sink (it doesn’t travel so well).
Protein Bars
Packed with nutrients, vitamins and – you guessed it – protein, these pre-made snacks are a cinch. They are made to last and easy to carry so they make the bottom of the top 5 list as a sweet last resort. Just be sure to read the ingredients label carefully, as some protein bars brands are just candy bars masquerading as healthy snacks. To control the runaway sugar and calories counts of store brands, you could also try a version of your own!